Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday again...

Well it seems like Mondays are a good day to post.  It has been a week since the last one, and will probably be another week until the next one.  This past week went way too fast.  I worked Mon/Tues, then took Wed/Fri off to make for a nice 5 day weekend.  It was extremely hard to come back to work.  Nothing too exciting really happened, but I want to talk about church on Sunday.

*For any of you that didn't already know, Salem and Grace UMCs have been in merger talks for the past 14 months, and by the end of the month we will have our fates decided.*

For whatever various reasons, it was decided that on this past Sunday, Salem's congregation would head to Grace to have a combined service, with Salem hosting this coming Sunday's service.

1 word.


Ok, another word.


There is just a different feeling worshipping with so many people.  Yes, we were crowded.  A reason we met together, was to get a feel for if we need to build a new church to accomodate everyone if the merger passes.  So many years I have seen so many empty pews at Grace, and to see the sanctuary and every chair that could fit into the back room full of people gave me an amazing feeling.  I hope others felt this amazing feeling.  I can't wait to do it again down at Salem!

Most of the day, I thought about how awesome it would be to combine all of our great resources.  It almost made me a little mad that it hadn't been done so long ago.  Each church is filled with a lot of great people, doing great things.  It almost seems like the opportunities would be endless if we could combine all these great people!

This has been the most excited I have been about the church in a long time.

Until next time... stay classy

*ps I've noticed that everyone else's blogs seem to have lots of pictures.  I think that I might have more to write about if I had some pictures to comment on.  Hmm, now I just need pictures.

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